18 year old male with Difficulty in walking

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

You can find the entire real patient clinical problem in this link here..

Following is my analysis of this patient's problem
Chief Complaints Of The Patient.

The problems in order of priority I found are ÷

1) difficulty in walking since 1 month
2) bilateral lower limb weakness since 1month
3)pain in lower limb calf muscles since 1 month
4)fever since 1 week


We observed that there is hypotonia,hyporeflexia,flaccid paralysis are seen a characteristic of LMN LESION(LOWER MOTOR NEURON)
Deep tendon reflexes are absent
Power :almost all the muscles in the leg are showing 3/5 power indicating flaccid paralysis.

Specific anatomical location should be studied to know whether the disease is from either 1)neurogenic 2)myogenic or 3) neuromuscular junction
1)if suspecting myogenic cause then creatine kinase and muscle biopsy should be done.
CREATININE KINASE- 92 IU/L     which is normal so muscle related cause is ruled out.
2)If suspecting Neuromuscular junction cause then electromyography should be done which is also normal in this case so it is ruled out.
3)if suspecting neurogenic cause then..
Nerve conduction studies should be done.
The study shows
Bilateral common peroneal and sural nerve axonal neuropathy(peripheral neuropathy)                         2-PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONAL DISABILITY
     as there is axonal degeneration of neurons there will be functional disability of these nerves resulting in
       -progressive weakness or clumsiness
       -difficulty in walking
        -absence of reflexes or diminished
FROM the history of the patient he is  alcoholic and there is anaemia. Due to alcohol consumption there is deficiency of vitamins like b1,b3,b6 which is one of the cause of peripheral neuropathy.
Calf pain is most common in ALCOHOLIC NEUROPATHY. Due to this there will be metabolic disturbances where there is accumulation of fructose and sorbitol in Schwann cell causing axonal degradation.
Other viral etiology are ruled out using investigations.
4-Other problems faced
Pain and fever
       The cause of pain may be due to inflammation of these nerves and fever may be due to this inflammation of nerves.
Temperature charting

Other examinations observed
On examination it came to know that he is having scabies  as the lesions are present in the webspaces and on asking history he told there are same lesions in his group of members and acquired from each other.(contagious)

Diagnosis for this - scabies.

 And more labs and imaging
Chest x-ray and ECG are normal and thus there are no other comorbidites.
a)pharmacological component
1-T pcm 650 mg thrice daily for fever
2-inj neomol 100ml IV infusion if fever greater than 101° f
3-T.bcomplex once daily for peripheral neuropathy
4-permethrin 5% lotion for scabies
b) non pharmacological component
Physiotherapy is advisable 


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